If you are a high school senior, junior or an elite sophomore our blueprint helps athletes and their families navigate the recruiting process. Sign up for a consult and review: common highlight video mistakes, NCAA eligibility, standardized tests, how best to market yourself, proper contact channels to college coaches, recruit myth-busting & scheduling college visits
Click here to register for a Family Recruiting Consult. ($150)
COLLEGE ATHLETE SURVIVAL COURSE – Seniors, click here for more info!
Chris Bianchi is one of the top recruiting and college advisement experts in the United States. As a college coach at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, his soccer teams set over 54 university records and rose to a top ten national ranking. Since retiring from coaching, he has spent 13 years traveling the country educating coaches, teams, individual athletes and families about the college recruiting process. Chris is a national columnist and has been a special guest on podcasts and sports talk radio as “The Recruit Doctor”. He has provided workshops to some of the top athletic clubs and largest school districts from New York to Arizona. Some of these include:
- Empire United AcademyElite Northeastern soccer academy
- Brine National Lacrosse ClassicUpstate All-Star Team – Primarily DI recruits
- ELITE Games & TOP 100 SPORTSBaseball & Softball. NY, OH, PA, VT, MA, CT
- Greece Central School DistrictLargest school district in NY
- Zion-Benton High SchoolOne of the largest schools in the Chicago area
- GLOW AcademyLargest baseball & softball organization on the east coast
- Webster Central School District Nation’s leader in youth sport community support
- R.A.P.Largest AAU basketball program in NY
- High Intensity SportsElite college & HS athlete training. Phoenix, AZ
- Chapter 5 Athletic Directors Conference Section V High School Athletic Directors
Chris currently mentors several college head and assistant coaches. Chris has advised the sons and daughters of athletic directors, varsity coaches and former college athletes. His passion is working with high school athletes and their family members to help them navigate through the college search and selection process.
Click here to register for a Family Recruiting Consult.
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